Faby and Carlo

about us

About Faby and Carlo

Who we are and why does it matters

I was an ordinary girl in an ordinary family. Or so I thought.
Deep down I had always known that something was not right because I was struggling to make myself heard by my parents no matter how much I tried. Nothing was getting through. My family repeatedly told me I was the problem. So, I started believing there was something wrong with me.

I started losing confidence and felt I was not “good enough”. I was unhappy and struggling with my self-esteem. The happy girl that was strong and invincible was gone.

The idea something in me was wrong got deep seated in me, so I started looking for a solution, anything to fix me.

I had read somewhere that you cannot change things you are not aware of, so I started looking in the place I knew could give me knowledge and clarity, maybe even help: books. I started reading books on confidence, body language, NLP, positive thinking, anything to try and find a solution to my suffering and the key to unlock my confidence. Even in my photography, that at the time was just a hobby, I was feeling insecure and second guessing myself.

One day I went to see my GP because I had problems breathing. After digging into my life, she told me that I was having panic attacks as a result of the pressure I had experienced as a child.  My panic was the fear of not being good enough that was taking over my life making me feel out of control. Although what the GP told me resonated with me, it also meant that I was not the problem. I felt like a victim, powerless, depressed, angry at the world and very sorry for myself.  I was at an all- time low. It seemed there was no way out of this.

After feeling so paralysed, I realised I could not change my past, but I was determined to take back control over my life. I knew something had to change. So, I started from taking care of myself. I started doing yoga, meditation, art and dance classes to feel better about myself. Initially, it made things worse.  Anxiety made me understand that to find my true self I had to have the courage to accept my vulnerability. Easier said than done.

During the years, Carlo and I had made the transition in photography from a hobby into a proper passion. Alongside practicing the pure photography skills, I realised that the breathing techniques and the awareness on body language I had acquired through my years of reading was helping people relax in front of the camera.  I also noticed that when I was calm, my subjects were too. There was a therapeutic element in photography that was calling me deeply. Breathing became easier, but I wanted to do more for myself and others.

The occasion came by chance, when one of our models asked us to take some photos of her in lingerie. None of us had done it before, but our calm, non judgemental approach made it happen so naturally it was almost in our DNA.

More than that, the transformation we witnessed in her confidence after that experience was magical. She looked absolutely radiant. In that moment I realised this is what I am meant to do. To empower women and give them confidence in this way. Inner strength is inside everyone of us. Becoming vulnerable by removing clothes allows their strength to shine through.
I knew then that this was what I was called to do.

Changing lives through boudoir is what lights me up inside. Seeing the transformation in other women brings back in me the feeling of happiness and invincibility I had when I was a little girl.

My mission is to help other women feel safe, accepted, heard and seen for who they are, free of judgement.
Every woman should feel beautiful.
Every woman should feel confident.
Every woman should be empowered to be the beautiful, invincible person that they are inside.
This is my superpower. This is what I want for you.

We are Faby and Carlo. Wife and husband and best friends, sharing the same passion for “photographing women for women”.

Love, Faby x

Why do we do what we do?

There is something unique in seeing confidence in a woman. You start seeing the real person behind all the pressure we all feel about our bodies. When it comes our, that sense of possibility, that self acceptance, there is nothing better in the entire world you can experience.

The real reason why we believe so much in what we do is not about a naked body. It is about what such an image represent for the subject. Photographing “women for women” means working with a different end goal than glamour. It means trying to give self esteem back to women.



Faby is a woman, an idealist, a photographer and a mum.
She loves food. She loves lasagna, cheese and coffee. Gave up cigarettes many years ago and never looked back.
Creative and messy, loves challenges and is bit stubborn (it runs in the family!).
Always battling with he curly hair and with the mirror, she decided that she wants to give women their confidence back.
With her pictures and much much more.



Carlo is a geek with a gentle soul.
Decisive and opinionated, he balances his strength as a leader with his almost feminine sensitivity.
He loves computer, coffee and definitively challenges.
He is doer. He organises Faby and her mess.
He always battles with his hair and does not want to sleep. Ever.
Carlo is able to capture in his pictures people’s souls and their stories like nobody else.

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