Faby and Carlo

How to look sexy

How to look sexy, by Faby and Carlo at London Boudoir Photography

Is there a secret on how to look sexy? Actually there are a couple. They are not secret and they may require some courage, or the right dose of alcohol… Knowing how to look sexy is related to self confidence, hence this stops many women from actually being sexy; however, if you manage to step outside your comfort zone for a while, the results will amaze you.

The most beautiful thing about trusting someone else and being sexy if the key to self confidence. It is a snake that bits its tail, this time with a very positive connotation!

How to look sexy, by Faby and Carlo at London Boudoir Photography

How to look sexy? Be yourself!

Before knowing how to look sexy, you need to understand one important thing. Being sexy is like being a specific type of food. You will never satisfy everyone’s taste. Those who truly love you will find you attractive. Knowing how to look sexy starts from being yourself. Don’t try to satisfy everyone’s taste!

How to look sexy, by Faby and Carlo at London Boudoir Photography

Stop second guessing yourself

Knowing how be sexy starts from feeling comfortable in your own skin. I know it is much to ask for, but you need to trust the fact that the person in front of you likes you. You don’t necessarily need to think you are beautiful. Let go of that voice in your head that lists all the things that don’t go and accept compliments.
In the beginning it is going to be incredibly difficult, but if you want to know how to look sexy you need to be self confident. If you are not yet self confident, you need to trust that the person in front of you will see all the beautiful things you don’t!

How to look sexy, by Faby and Carlo at London Boudoir Photography

Make eye contact

Let’s be honest: a woman who can look us straight in the eyes, diverging her gaze from time to time, is sexy. There is something in the eye contact that sends all the right signals. If you want to understand how to look sexy, you need to learn to keep a conversation alive without speaking. Look at the other person in the eyes!

How to look sexy, by Faby and Carlo at London Boudoir Photography

Touch the other person

While in a conversation, if things are right, you can gently invade someone else’s space. Something simple and casual, like touching his shoulder. Get comfortable

Do you really think that how to look sexy does not involve anything like this?

How to look sexy, by Faby and Carlo at London Boudoir Photography

Wear nice lingerie

If things move forward, the “how to look sexy” pass through your lingerie.

Hmm. Major dilemma. If actually do, by some terrible chance, end up in flagrante, surely these would be most attractive at crucial moment. However, chances of reaching crucial moment greatly increase by wearing these Scarystomach-holding-in panties. Very popular with grannies the world over. Ha. Tricky. Very tricky.” [Bridget Jones’s Diary]

Bridget Jones’s diary scene sums it up; do you wear lingerie that hugs you and shapes the way you like or do you go a bit more? If you want to know how to look sexy, you need to take some risks. If you end up in a more intimate situation, I would say that a nice Agent Provocateur or a nice intimate from Dolci Follie may be your best ally.

What you should remember is that if you stop second-guessing yourself and wear something a bit more feminine, things won’t go wrong. If you live by self-doubts though… brace for impact. You are the only person that stands between the knowledge and the implementation on how to look sexy!

How to look sexy, by Faby and Carlo at London Boudoir Photography

Move slowly!

Last, but not least, a word must be spend on your speed. Have you ever watched a film in which the female protagonists look sexy by undressing in a heartbeat? If you want to know how to look sexy you need to realise that our mind is seduced more by the anticipation of the moment than from the moment itself. Move slowly. If you undress, do it slowly.

How to look sexy? Be yourself, just do it slowly, and remember: don’t look at yourself with your own eyes!

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