Living the Experience at London Boudoir Photography

 In For Women

The Investment Of A Photo Session

In our opinion a good photo session, leading to good images through a great experience comes at a price, an investment that is not just about the money spent on the photo shoot itself. The value of memories is something incredibly high and images are what remains of what we were today, yesterday or years ago. Having good memories and being able to look back at how we were is something emotionally pleasing, and it will always be.
Being photographers we are lucky enough to have been able to photographed our child every day of his life -literally, we will soon publish a book of his first 365 days of life. What nobody managed to make us understand is that through those images we re-live some magic moment over and over again. Hadn’t we been photographers, able to capture those emotions, I would have gladly paid a lot to have them done professionally. In the same way we love to stop from time to time and look back to our life through pictures, and the better they represent who we are, the more intense the emotions are.
This is the power of photography, and we don’t want to dilute the magic through mediocre images. Do you?

Living the Experience at London Boudoir Photography

The Story Of The Chicken And The Pig

Understanding the idea of being committed to an Experience more than to the simple final images, is a personal discovery, nevertheless let us try to make you understand it with a short story.

One day there were a Chicken and Pig that were walking together and chatting merrily. At one point the Chicken stopped and said:
-You know what Pig? We should open a restaurant.
The Pig thought to it and replied:
-You are right Chicken, we have good taste and we could make a living out of it.
The Chicken started dreaming about their restaurant and exclaimed:
-We should certainly do it, and we can call it “The Egg and the Ham!”
The Pig thought carefully and finally said:
-You know what, Chicken? I am not sure that would be a good idea; you see I would be fully Committed, while you would be just Involved!

The idea of being Committed is a powerful one. When you are committed to something you invest your time ad energy and what you get in return is personal. We believe that this applies to the Experience behind a photo shoot as well!

Your Commitment Is Your Emotional Attachment

The emotional attachment to an image of yourself is what will make you look at that photo or set of photos for the next two, ten, thirty years.
Imagine picking up a photo from your beautiful Folio Box in five years’ time and remember how you felt back then, remembering how your photographers made you feel and how beautiful you look in that photo and how great you feel today. Isn’t is great?
Now imagine picking up another photo and finding yourself asking when was it taken, trying to remember when was it and not being able to get hold of those powerful emotions you felt in the previous example.
What would you rather invest on, the first powerful emotional photo or the second one? The reality is that that decision is yours! You need to find the right photographers for it, however the amount of time and passion you will invest in the photo session is up to you: you can live it as a real Experience or you can just turn up for some photos. Do you want to know how to make this journey something unforgettable?

Living the Experience at London Boudoir Photography

How Can You Make The Experience A Personal Discovery

As photographers we always try to make our customers to feel special from the first phone call onwards. We will be at your side to help you in every detail, but if the commitment will be from both sides the real magic happen. So how can you make the Experience so emotionally intense?
From the moment we will start planning your photo session we will ask you some questions and we will ask you to send some ideas, some thoughts through times. You can decide to start looking deeply in those questions.
What are the images that capture your more depth and personal imagination, those you would dream to have of yourself? Are you going to spend some time browsing the Internet in search of that “je ne sais quoi”?
What are you going to wear for the photo shoot? Are you going to do your research on the garments that really speaks to you? We will give you a couple of names of stylists and personal shoppers that might help you understanding how to mix and match styles to make you look as the person you would have always wanted to be.
These are just few of the things you can do to become committed to the Experience, making sure the photos resulting from them will live forever in you.

A Personal Journey

The most important value while walking the path of being committed to the Experience is the fact that it must be personal. Don’t look for the details that everyone loves, focus on those you do. What are the garments you have always dreamt of? A beauty portrait or boudoir photo session is all about you and the more you will allow yourself to be yourself, the more you will love the results. Do you like lace? Go for it! Jeans and a tee? Superb! Silk? Amazing! An evening dress? Brilliant! Leather? Perfect! Nothing but your bare skin? That’s Awesome. As long as it is you, being yourself will never be so inspiring!
Make it personal, make it a journey, invest some time in thinking it through and live the experience: this is the key of everlasting memories!

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There is no such thing as "Not Photogenic Person"The Good Vibe at London Boudoir Photography