The Priest, the Psychologist and the [Boudoir] Photographer

 In For Women

Few weeks ago we spoke about the differences between Boudoir and Glamour. This week we will spend some more time by digging into the psychology of boudoir. This article has been sparkled by one of our recent clients, who laughing said:

These are things you can tell your priest, your psychologist and clearly your boudoir photographers!

Truth is that it is not rare for our clients to be very honest with us, telling us very intimate details about themselves. Why does this happen and what does all this have to do with being photographed almost naked in front of strangers?

Let me dig a bit deeper into this!

Unapologetically boudoir, by Faby and Carlo

If you are on the dance floor… dance!

If you have decided that you want to be photographed privately, I am sure you have some photographs in mind. You may want to see yourself confident while wearing some nice lingerie. Or maybe you want to have a beautiful art nude to gift to someone. Whatever your reason -and there are many- there is one common denominator: you want some beautiful boudoir photographs of yourself. So you have decided to step outside your comfort zone, to get on a dance floor and there is only one thing you can do on it: dance!
When women embrace the fact that they are actually stepping outside their comfort zone, they also embrace something else. The understand that the only way to see themselves is by being themselves.

Unapologetically boudoir, by Faby and Carlo

A non judgemental approach to boudoir (and to women)

Quite often women tend to become quite apologetic when some part of their nature start coming out during a boudoir photo session. In such a personal situation, in which personal barriers start coming down, the parts of women’s nature that surface are equally personal.
Truth is that a good boudoir photographer should always have a non judgemental approach. I mean, we photograph women for living, generally without much clothes on. We do it because we believe that this can give a boost to women’s self control. Being judgmental would just mean to negate what we stand for; however, this non judgemental approach is at the base of why women tend to open themselves to [boudoir] photographers a lot.

Unapologetically boudoir, by Faby and Carlo

Being ourselves is absolutely amazing

I believe that we should always be unapologetically ourselves. We are complex human being, we love, we feel emotions. Unfortunately too often we also want to be liked, we want other to appreciate who we are. I say “_unfortunately_” because too many times this means we change who we are to satisfy someone else’s taste.
Being ourselves is refreshing!

Unapologetically boudoir, by Faby and Carlo

Why you can be unapologetically yourself with Faby and Carlo

One of our core values is privacy. What goes in the boudoir stays in the boudoir. The reason why we feel so strongly about it, is because we believe that it is the best way to allow you to be yourself. Unapologetically yourself because it is the way you can gain confidence and you can see in your photos the woman to respect.
By being yourself completely in front of us allow us to capture those unique images; it also give you the possibility to know that whoever you truly are, you can be yourself.

If you are looking for someone that will treat you without judging you, that will photograph you not just for the body you have, but for the woman you are, look no further. Boudoir is not about poses, it is about you. Stepping outside your comfort zone might look like a challenge, but if you allow yourself to be who you really are, the gap won’t look as scary. In being unapologetically yourself you give us the possibility to capture the photographs you want.

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