Confidence is all you need to wear. London Boudoir Photography view

Have you ever…?

Have you ever walked into a bar or a restaurant and all the heads turn towards you? A pleasantly embarrassing situation you somehow cannot explain because you were [...]

The Good Vibe at London Boudoir Photography

What women love...

If there is one thing that our clients compliment us consistently for - apart from the beautiful images of course! - is the great atmosphere they feel when [...]

Living the Experience at London Boudoir Photography

The Investment Of A Photo Session

In our opinion a good photo session, leading to good images through a great experience comes at a price, an investment that is not just about the [...]

There is no such thing as “Not Photogenic Person”

What is the real meaning of Photogenic and why it should not be applied to snapshots

pho-to-ge-nic |ˌfōtəˈjenik| adjective 1 (esp. of a person) looking attractive in [...]

Couple Boudoir: what is it all about?

Is Boudoir for women alone?

The name Boudoir literally means "a woman's bedroom or private room" so people immediately identify our genres of photography as [...]

Posing for Faby and Carlo

Introducing Gemma

In the past weeks we had the pleasure of bringing on board two interns to help us dealing with the marketing side of our business. We have to admit that when both [...]

Your Beauty is Now!

The best time is today!

Sentences like "Your photos are amazing, I should lose some pounds and..." or "Oh my, that is gorgeous, I'd love something like that but I need to [...]

Italia Boudoir Photography

Fabiana & Carlo

Del "Belpaese" noi portiamo molte cose dentro, e quello che forse piu' ci contraddistingue oltremanica e' quello che i Londinesi chiamano "Il nostro Stile [...]

Featured on LoveIt! Magazine

London Boudoir Photography has been featured on LoveIt! Magazine

Is there a wind of change in the UK regarding Boudoir? This is what it seems after the spike in last months' interest [...]

We have been featured on The Bare Intimates

Can we feature you?

Some weeks ago Erinn from The Bare Intimates got [...]